Participated in the encounter but were disconnected before it ended. Died during the encounter but released before it ended. Participated in the encounter but died. Were alive and present for the entire encounter. Players are eligible to be the recipient of a soulbound item within the two hour window if they: In almost any situation, a player can be traded a soulbound item if they actively participated for a portion of the encounter, were in the party eligible for the loot, and initiated the trade before the two hour window expired. We are pleased to announce with the advent of Patch 3.2 players are now allotted 2 hours of in-game time to freely trade Bind on Pickup items between members of the group or raid who participated in the loot-yielding encounter!
As this change is intended to place greater place control and responsibility in our player’s hands, we are very unlikely to interfere with related item transfer requests moving forward.
Please be advised that it has been 30 days since BoP Item Trading was introduced.