TCP/ IP is named after its two primary protocols. However, when TCP/ IP is compared to OSI, we can say that the TCP/ IP protocol suite is made of five layers: physical, data link, network, transport, and application. The original TCP/ IP protocol suite was defined as having four layers: host-to-network, internet, transport, and application. Forouzan” Data communications and Networking 28 The layers in the TCP/ IP protocol suite do not exactly match those in the OSI model. No 517) What is Frame Relay? High-performance WAN protocol Operates at the physical and data link layers Originally designed/BRI)(Applicable for home users) Primary rate interface (PRI)(Applicable for corporate customers.) Each type is suited to a different level of customer needs Both include one D channel and some number of either B/.Ģ7 TCP/ IP PROTOCOL SUITE TCP/ IP PROTOCOL SUITE Behrouz A.

Not optimized for TCP / IP transport Frame Relay(pg. Relay And ATM UNIT 5 Chapter 18 Forouzan ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) ( pg.nu/ Not optimized for high quality links. Protocol ( IP) Sending voice (telephone) conversations over the Internet Or over any internetwork or intranet that uses IP Also known as IP/ Protocol Suites Sending digitized voice Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) Signaling Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) H.323 PSTN Integration Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Electronic Number Mapping System (ENUM) Digitizing an Analog Signal Source: Forouzan/SIP Protocol Behavior Can use TCP or UDP port 5060 Other ports seen in the wild Request/response protocol with /. Switching at Physical Layer At the physical layer, we can have only circuit switching. Packet switching can further be divided into two subcategories-virtual circuit approach and datagram approach Switching and TCP/ IP Layers Switching can happen at several layers of the TCP/ IP protocol suite. Computer Networks ppt Computer Networks ppt. Please upload missing slides/ppts of Data Communications and Networking B. Computer networks by forouzan ebook Networking fourth edition. Communication and networking behrouz a forouzan ppt, data and seminar paper pdf, data. Forouzan,'Computer Networks',4th edition, McGraw-Hill PPT slides. Computer Networks ppt Computer Networks ppt pdf notes. Forouzan, 5 th Edition Switching is a topic that can be discussed at several layers.

Chandavarkar, CSE Dept., NITK, Surathkal Ref: B.